2009年1月26日 星期一














他和我是同一年練功的,我也是1989年在廣州正式的參加練智能氣功,如果說我和他的差別,也就是我親自見過了 龐 老師的幾次, 龐 老師給我講了一些東西,還有就是20年來我一直在從事智能氣功的推廣工作。






随便當時為什麼中心練智能功他說是因為他的妹妹耳朵聾了,是先天性耳聾我問他現在嗎?他說還沒有!只是右耳還有一點點聽力,邊的耳朵完全听不到。我說你可以用電話馬上和他聯絡嗎?他就馬上和他妹妹被接通了電話,告訴她妹妹說,智能氣功的 余洋老師在馬來西亞給調氣手臂已经不痛了,可以拿東西了,現在用电話給你調氣治耳聾,可能是耳聾的關係,在电話里連續講了幾次,他的那位妹妹才聽明白了講的是什麼事情,我 和梁 老師當時是使用網路上QQ系統通話的,我告訴老師叫他的妹妹用耳朵聽電話,唱歌給他聽, 梁老師說她在網路上學會了我編唱混元靈通,我說那你就唱給他聽吧!


唱完一遍混元靈通以後,我叫 梁 女士問他的妹妹聽到了沒有,他的妹妹高興地喊到:我听見了!這个歌還真好听!在QQ系統的視屏上,我看見了 梁 老師在擦激動的眼泪。  


這是幾十年的耳聾啊!唱一遍混元靈通就給她醫好了,這算不算神奇呢? 梁 女士就說真的很神奇!但是我並不覺得有什麼神奇,在我的經歷中,已經習以為常了,這就是混元氣的力量嘛!


當 時梁 老師問我為什麼她給別人發氣醫病效果都不太明顯?我就反問她治病的時候在想什麼?她說在想手中的氣!我又問她練功的時候是誰在發口令?他回答說,現在不用口令了,自己都会動了,腦子有時會想很多的事情……這就是我們現在很多老功友犯的通病。








一般的人,練功的時候口令也背熟了,動作也做熟啦,可以自動化了,心裏便想作其它的事情,這樣練上一百年進步也不會很大, 龐 老師在很多地方都講到了這個問題,但是我們很多的同道沒有真正地領會到老師說精髓,現在的一般人,也包括我們很多練功的同道,在練功和日常生活當中,還沒有真正懂得讓我們的意元体活跃起來,把我們的意元体調整到正確的位置,真正發揮主導的作用。現在一般的人,意元体的主導作用幾乎都被〝自動化〞取代了,意元体中心成了三國演義中劉備的兒子〝阿斗〞,成了傀儡,成了懶漢,成了愚蠢的皇帝,一旦有甚麼事情發生,我們的意元体往往發出的指令都是錯誤的,就比如上面所說的這位 梁爽金 老師,當車禍發生的時候,他嘴裏雖然在唸〝混元靈通〞,但是心裏面卻在想:〝這一次的恐怕糟糕了!〞,這是偏執的意元體主宰了他的生命活動,發出了一个錯誤的指令:〝斷掉了的骨頭,不能夠馬上接上〞,這就是 龐 老師所說的〝口心不一〞結果。


所以,我們練功的時候,平時在生活當中的一舉一動,都要學會從腦中間意元体中心直覺發出指令,比如我們練功,要用意元体中心去聽 龐 老師的口令,要把 龐 老師請到我們的意元体中心來發出練功的口令,支配自己身體,好象 龐 老師在你的意元体中心看着你練功,指揮你、觀看你的一言一行,這樣長功夫必然快。
















下面的這一段英文,是在美國的 裘曉云 女士看了以上的文章,有所感觸,



Today a woman called Suangjing Liang gave me a phone call through QQ internet from Changzhou Hejian of Hebei  province. She looks  like more than forty years old from the video. She asked me to Tiaoqi and heal  her disease through the interent. She had a car accident one week ago and the  ulna of  her right arm was broken.

She has been to the Huaxia Zhinengqigong center to learn Zhinenggong. She has taken  the primary teacher training class, medical service enhance course,  superior founction  development course,  correspondence course. Now she is forty-seven years old, thats mean she practice qigong for twenty years  as a long experience practicer.

I asked he if she insisted practice qigong every day. She said her whole family was practicing Zhinenggong and she also taught other people . I asked again if she did Faqi to heal disease for people. She said sometimes, but she felt the result was not good. I asked her what she was thinking when the car accident happened?  She answered her mouth was keeping contemplate “Hun yuan Ling Tong”. I asked what was shethinking in her heart. She said she thinking this time maybe bad. I asked her again if she had tried to heal herself after the car accident. She said at that time she felt vey pain on her arm. There is no use to Faqi.  She thought the bone maybe broken. She went hospital to check and it is the bone broken and the bone was band by gypsum bandage. She Faqi after she went home but she was thinking if the bone could be connected by Faqi by herself. She felt pain for several days and felt no effect. So she try to find me.  She said she often reads my articles  on the interent . She is very inpressed  and she said I had very high gongfu. I had a smile by myself.

She practiced Zhinengqi gong at the same year with me. I was also in 1989 attended to practice Zhinenggong in Guangzhou . The only difference between us is that I had met with Master Pang  several times and he had taught me something. Also I am working on the development of Zhinengqigong in these twenty years.

She felt no pain on her arm after Tiaoqi through interent and her arm can be used . She said she would go to hospital to take away the bandage tomorrow. She said her arm was recovery.  I said you could take away the bandage if you want. The bone has been connected.

By the way I asked her why she went to the center to practice Zhinengqigong  at that time. She said that was because of her yanger sister was a deaf when she was born. I asked if she has been healed. She said not yet. Only the right ear has a little bit founction, the left one has completely no founction. I  asked if she can connect with her by telephone. Then she communicated with her sister right away. She told her sister she felt no pain on her arm after Tiaoqi by Master Yuyang  in Malaysia . She can pick up something now .  Now Master Yuyang will tiaoqi to heal your ear through the telephone . Maybe because of the ear problem , she told her sister several  times , then her sister can understand what she was talking about. At that time , me and Mrs. Liang were using QQ interent . I told Mrs. Liang to use telephone . I asked her to sing a song to her sister. Mrs. Liang said she learned the song of “hun Yuan Ling Tong “from the interent  which  is created by me. I said then you sing this song.

After she sang the song one time, I let Mrs. Liang  ask  her sister if she can hear. Her sister was very happy to shout :” I can hear. The song is very nice.” I saw Mrs. Liang wiped her eyes through the video.

This is the ear deaf for several decades.  It is healed by singing a song of Hun Yuan Ling Tong. It is a miracle. Mrs. Liang said it was very magical. In my experience , it is very normal. It is the power of Hunyuanqi.

Mrs. Liang asked me why she has no good result when she Tiaoqi to heal people. I asked her what she was thinking when she cure people. She said she was thinking about the Qi in her hands. I asked again who gave the oral command when she practice qigong.  She answered now she don’t need the oral command , she can do it automaticly. Sometimes she can think lots of things in her brain. This is common problem of lots of the long experience practicers  now.

 I asked he to close her eyes gently right away and think the area between two brains.The center of Yiyuanti gave out the command –open…..close…… I asked her what’s she can feel . She said she can feel a little bit touching. She said she never tried to practice like this , and she never know to practice through the command given by the center of Yiyuanti.

The reason of lots of people cannot improve the level of gongfu is that they thought it was boring to practice the PengQiGuanDingFa. They can go through this automaticly when they close their eyes. They feel boring and be sick of it. The leader of practice can use one heart for two purpose. The oral command of Zhuchang can be recited very smoothly. They can be spoken though month automaticly. Faqi to cure disease also can be done by thinking other things. They just don’t understand practicing Qigong must be done by “ one heart one purpose”.

Human’s Yiyuanti is between the two parts of our brain. Our practice of Qigong and even our activity in our life, all will be done by the command given by the center of Yiyuanti. Through this way, the active of Yiyuanti can be transferred . The seeing, listening, writing, speaking, thinking, moving, all should start the center of Yiyuanti . This is what they say “ All will be from heart, to the spirit “. This is the highest level of the practicing of Zhinengqigong.

Some practicers are very family with the oral command, and the action all can be done automaticly. Than they can thinking other things when they practice. In this way , they will improve little eventhough they practice for one hundred years. Master Pang has talked about this problem before many times. But our practicers haven’t understood what ‘s the real mearning about this . The normal people including some our practicers don’t understand to active our Yiyuanti in our life, to adjust our Yiyuanti to a right spot , to let it use as a major leader . Now, the normal people ‘s major leader of their Yiyuanti are replaced by automation. The center of Yiyuanti is as the son of Bei Liu, A Dou , of the “Shan guo yan yi”. It becomes  a puppet, a idler, a stupid king. When something happens, the command from our Yiyuanti is always wrong, Just like Mrs. Liang as  I mationed above, when the car accident happened, eventhough she was  speaking “hun Yuan Ling Tong” in her month, but what she was thinking is “ there is a big problem this time”. This is because the bigoted yiyuanti  controls her life activity and gives a wrong order:” the broken bone can’t be connected right way”. This is what Master Pang has said the result of month is not match the heart.

So, when we are practicing or in our life, we should learn to give out order from the center of Yiyuanti directly. For example, when we are practicing, we should listen to the order of Master Pang. We should invite Master Pang to the center of our yiyuanti to give out the command of practice, to control our body. It looks like Master Pang is watching you practicing in the center of your Yiyuanti, conduct you , observe your every activity and word. In this way, the improve is very quickly.

We will not thinking what our month are speaking when we say something, we should follow what our Yiyuanti center want we say. We will not let our month freedomly to say something; we will not use our ear to listen to others. We should use our Yiyuanti  center , the sound should make our yiyuanti  center produce resonance; we should use our yiyuanti to see , we should use oue Yiyuanti to conduct our hands to write , we should use our Tiyuanti to thinking, everything in our life should be communicated with Yiyuanti. It is right to give out order by Yiyuanti.

But the normal people will feel inhabit. We are used to bad habit, which is everything is conducted automatically by brain cortex or by subconscions. The Yiyuanti becomes an idler, becomes a habit. Now everything will be through Yiyuanti , train this idler, let it learn to give right order, this will be very awkward. I think this is certainly the way to improve , eventhough this is a long way to practice , but the long way from the feet. If we do from little , we will know how to start our lazy yiyuanti, make it active , make it normal, make it control our life directly. In this way, we can go to supernormal  condition and become a human with supernormal wisdom.




