2009年1月26日 星期一


Ty Hall (車禍)


My name is Ty Hall, male, from Australia. I am 39 years old.

1. I have had a bad back for 18 years. My physio diagnosed in Nov after our crash in July. He showed one of his students my back while I moved my shoulders and upper body. When I raised my arms all the muscles in my lower back switched on as a automatic protection. My lower back has been in pain for so long when ever I moved the muscles went into spasm. These muscles should only switch on when lifting something.

2. I have tried massage, physio, acupuncture, Reiki, pain killers. Very temporary results – relief.

3. A qigong healer in Perth treated me in 2003. After 6 treatments I had very little pain. He directed me to Che??? Qigong website.

5. My body was still quite stiff. I believed in cosmic energy before coming. My mind set was very positive about the future.

6. I can see my shoulders are much straighter and my posture is better. I feel strange in my body and mind. My personal ideology has been strengthend a lot. I now know I am not alone in my beliefs and my beliefs actually have a name – ZNQG – this now gives me a lot scope to further my understanding and now hardness the power of cosmic Chi I have believe in for 20 years.

7. I can see how the practice off this regular exercise stimulates the whole body and the bad chi inside is forced out by the new healthy chi, were??? As before the bad chi was allowed to sit undisturbed while growing in size. But now is forced to fight. Unfortunately for the bad chi it is greatly out numbered by the healthy chi until they are all gone, overrun.

8. I feel empower to take my belief to a new and higher level. I do feel better. I still carry the same old stiffness points but I am sure in the time with continued practice they will eventually disappear once and for all.

9. I think a lot was lost in translation for the English speakers. Sometimes Chinese was spoken for a lot time so obviously not everything was translated.

10. I hope to be a good ambassador in my country for ZNQG and want to get much better to show others the power in ZNQG.

新加坡 黎 芳 翻譯

1).我的名字叫Ty Hall,男性,今年39歲,來自澳大利亞。





6).我察覺到我的肩膀比以前直了,我整個身體的姿勢也比較好,身體和頭腦有一種奇怪的感覺,思想和意識都有所改變。我相信智能氣功的道理。我相信了20年的宇宙能量是什麽,現在我有了更多,更深的了解 (是混元氣)。





