2009年1月26日 星期一


余亚歴 (老年癡呆症、中風)


My name is Er Ah Lek, female, from Singapore. I am 71 years old. I am not working.

Daughter’s observation :
2. In years 2001, my mum got high blood pressure and suffered a stroke and also caused her to have amnesia. In year 2003, she suffered a 2nd stroke due to our not giving her the prescribed medication as it had caused her legs to have water retention. The 2nd stroke also caused her to have dementia (not diagnosed by any doctors but show signs of dementia). In year 2006, the doctor in charge tested that her kidneys are malfunctioning. Her toxic level as of 11/12/06 was very high. At home and at the day care center that she went to , due to her dementia, she was not drinking enough water and I suspect this might be the cause of the high toxin level. She was diagnosed of the above sickness in Singapore General Hospital. She also has low blood count, lack of iron, calcium, slight renal??? Problem.

3. For her high blood pressure and stroke, she was hospitalized and later on medication. But I believe subsequently the medication that she takes might have affected her kidneys, therefore causing her kidneys to malfunction. The doctors said she may have to go for water dialysis. She usually has to see the doctors once every 3 months for checkups. She has to take medicine for her high blood pressure, a blood thinner, 1 pc for renal, 2 pcs for iron, 2 pcs for calcium and 2 other pcs of supplements and blood platelets injection (once a week but did not do it because it must in a cool place and since 12/12/06 til now she did not have any injection for this). The high blood pressure pills make both her feet swell. I believe the rest of the medicine makes her kidneys over work and this may have caused her kidneys to malfunction.

4. My brother happened to see an advertisement on 8/12/06 on the Straits Times newspaper and cut it out. We thought it was for normal exercise. We just left it on the table til on 10/12/06. I saw it again and decided to call Samuel. I realized that Zhineng Qigong was to be used for this healing and will be conducted in Kluang. We have practiced Zhineng Qigong since 2003 but have not been going for practice for the past 1 ½ years, due to busy work schedule. It was a very sudden and quick decision that I have to make. So I have to call up my manager to apply for leave for 15 days. So on 12/12/06, I met Samuel and we went to Kluang on that evening.

5. Before ZNQG, my mum had difficulties swallowing her medicine. Always very sleeping due to her low blood count. Very forgetful – dementia (she did not go for this diagnosis). My brother and I believe ZNQG can heal her because my brother and mother have been to 1 retreat in 2005 for 5 days.

6. After the course, she is more alert but still sleepy due to the medication. On 24/12/06, I decided not to give her any medication as advised by Bo Liang laosi after some discussion as he was surprised why her condition never improved. So when I told him I still give her medicine. He said that I should never give her any more medicine. So on 24/12/06, I decided not to give her any medicine.

7. I have told my mum ZNQG has healed her and she is very happy. She doesn’t have to go for water dialysis. We will practice ZNQG everyday with her.

8. She is more alert, able to start conversation (she normally speaks when spoken to) and make short discussion. Able to swallow her medicine. But now no need for any medication. Her appetite is good.

9. Happy that ZNQG can heal any serious illness. The correspondence between pang Ming laosi and all the international laosi and students through the internet messages, started by Liu laosi was fantastic, and this makes a great impact on the recovery of most the students. I am extremely impressed.

10. It was good of Yu Yang laosi to teach us some methods of healing to students to enable them to heal others and even their family after this course. Thank you ZNQG!

新加坡 黎 芳 翻譯










